I don't think anything else could possibly go wrong today! It is kinda funny! So, this morning I woke up like normal and went to check my email and get breakfast. I wanted to run out today and visit two ladies from my church who are in the hospital, but had to stay home until the flowers my parents had odered for me were delivered. So...I am just tryin to be patient and all, but can't stand being cooped up in the house. I had to use the bathroom real quick around 11:35ish so I went in and did my business, flushed, washed my hands, turned out the light and left...well, I had hardly gone out the door of the bathroom when I hear what sounds like Niagra Falls in my bathroom! I turned around and turned on the light and sure enough my toilet had decided to spill over and was working on forming a mini lake on the floor! Ok, so my parents are out of town and I wasn't quite sure how to fix this particular problem except to plunge the tiolet to death! So, I ran upstairs, grabbed a pair of heeled shoes (I was not stepping in that water bare footed, ick!), and grabbed the plunger. Once back downstairs I couldn't believe the mess! It was so gross! So, I waded through the lake towards the possessed toilet and just started plunging my little heart out. Didn't work. In fact, I think I made the stupid toilet even madder. More water started pouring out! I didn't know what to do so I looked at my watch and decided to call my boyfriends cousin Chris to see if he had an idea of how to stop the evil potty! He had no clue....so I looked at my watch and decided to call my Wonder Boy (my boyfriend, Drew). He was in chapel still when I called Chris and knew he would be out now and hopefully in his room! So, I called Drew and sure nuff he was there! I asked him what to do and after laughing at the funny little predictament I had managed to get myself into he took me step by step through the process of defeating my sinister potty! After cleaning up the mess in time to answer the door and recieve the beautiful bouquet of flowers from my parents, I was finally ready to run into town! Thank the Lord for life's simple pleasures!
Little did I know that the day was only beginning. After visiting the ladies at the hospital, I needed to run by the bank and deposit my paycheck. So, I parked in a parking space and filled out my deposit slip and all and then went to drive to the drive up teller window. I put the key in the ignition and turned and nothing happened. No clicks, no anything. I couldn't believe it. So, thinking that it was just being stubborn and not really wanting to deal with the problem just then went inside to deposit my check. The lady asked me how my day was going. I couldn't lie so I told her it was pretty bad. And briefly shared with her the Potty Problem and now my stupid car problem. NEVER BUY A FORD (just wanted to share that with ya!). So, she told me she had jumper cables in her car and that this guy who worked there could help me. Well, we got everything hooked up and I went to start the car and there was still nothing. The guys (there were now two, and they both knew way more about cars than I will ever know!) told me that there was no way for it to work and that it was really truly dead. So....I called our mechanic who called the towing company, who finally came to my rescue. He cleaned off the battery and told me to start the car. It started! It was fine. All I have to do is replace the erroded cables and all will be fine. So....finally, I could breathe and go home. I was so tired by this time and only wanted to go home and work out. So....I drove home and now I am safe and sound and hope that I never have another day like today! lol!
Monday, January 30, 2006
My 21st Birthday!
Wow! What a fun day I had on Saturday! Me and my friend Megan (the one in black and red) went ice skating, shopping, out for dinner to Carrabbas, more shopping and then cosmic bowling. It was alot of fun! We were exhausted the next day in church! Here are some pictures of our crazy day!

Friday, January 27, 2006
Fully Surrendered!
Yes, I have finally fully surrendered the entire situation with my mom to the Lord. I knew that something was wrong lately because I just couldn't read my Bible because everytime I did the word "trust" would jump out at me. I thought I was trusting, but the Lord through my boyfriend opened my eyes to what I was really doing. I was holding on to my mom and was trying to carry the weight of it all on my own and in my own strength. I really wasn't trusting at all. It was hurting my devotions (reading the Bible and praying). Last night, I called Drew (my sweet boyfriend) and confessed to him that something wasn't right and I couldn't figure out exactly what. Well, he asked me questions and shared some things with me....he didn't get real preachy, just told me exactly what I needed to hear. He knows me so well. Sometimes it feels like we share the same heart! Like even though we are hudreds of miles apart right now cuz he is at school and I am at home we still have the most amazing bond! I just completely broke last night. My eyes were opened to what I was doing to myself. And I surrendered. I surrendered everything to the God of the Universe who created me and knows my every thought and knows what tomorrow will bring. As soon as i did all I knew was complete peace. I understand now what the Bible calls "the peace that passes all understanding". I am experiencing it now even as I type this!
Yes, I don't know what the future holds for my mom, or what this cancer is going to do, but there is one thing that I do know....God is in complete control. He already knows what is going to happen and no matter what happens He will always be there for me to comfort me and lead me down His chosen path! What An Awesome God We Serve!
Yes, I don't know what the future holds for my mom, or what this cancer is going to do, but there is one thing that I do know....God is in complete control. He already knows what is going to happen and no matter what happens He will always be there for me to comfort me and lead me down His chosen path! What An Awesome God We Serve!
Thursday, January 26, 2006
The Countdown Begins!
WOW! Only 2 more days till I turn 21. I know it isn't really that big of a deal, but it is the way I have always been when it comes to birthdays. I guess its the kid that is still inside me!
Ok, so today I worked. It was so much fun! I love helping people decorate and pick out colors and fabrics and stuff! It is neat because people come in and tell me their ideas and then I begin to scheme with them! Like today, this lady came in and was so much fun! She knew what she was looking for and shared her ideas with me. I helped her find a beautiful fabric with a large print on it because she was decorating her bathroom and wanted the focal point to be the shower curtain! So, we just got to chattin and before we knew it I had helped her decided to pick out the pretty baby blue accent color to do on the walls and what color towels to use and it was just an absolute blast! Especially the feeling I got by helping this dear little lady make her house pretty! She came in with an idea, and left with a dream! She said she would be back next week when I am working and we could finalize everything together! I am so excited! I love my job!
Other than that my day has been pretty mundane except for that I came home and talked to my boyfriend and opened my mailbox and found, not one, but two birthday cards from his parents and sisters! It is such a blessing to have such sweet potential in-laws! Like sometimes it feels like a dream! I love his family and they love me. Like that doesn't always happen like that! I have been so blessed! The only way that life could possibly get better is if I got a phone call this instant from my parents saying that my mom's cancer has miraculously gone away. She has been through so much! She just finished chemo a year ago and not a year later is diagnosed with more ovarian cancer that they said is even more aggressive. It is really hard sometimes, but I am learning how much we need to lean on God and trust in Him for what ever happens. God has definately put me around very sweet people, though! People who are encouraging and who are just there when I need them! So, even through this trial I can still smile and know that my Lord and Savior is in control and won't give me andymore than I can handle! And he is the only one who can give me the strenth to get through! Ok, well, I guess thats it for my daily ramblings! Until next time......
Ok, so today I worked. It was so much fun! I love helping people decorate and pick out colors and fabrics and stuff! It is neat because people come in and tell me their ideas and then I begin to scheme with them! Like today, this lady came in and was so much fun! She knew what she was looking for and shared her ideas with me. I helped her find a beautiful fabric with a large print on it because she was decorating her bathroom and wanted the focal point to be the shower curtain! So, we just got to chattin and before we knew it I had helped her decided to pick out the pretty baby blue accent color to do on the walls and what color towels to use and it was just an absolute blast! Especially the feeling I got by helping this dear little lady make her house pretty! She came in with an idea, and left with a dream! She said she would be back next week when I am working and we could finalize everything together! I am so excited! I love my job!
Other than that my day has been pretty mundane except for that I came home and talked to my boyfriend and opened my mailbox and found, not one, but two birthday cards from his parents and sisters! It is such a blessing to have such sweet potential in-laws! Like sometimes it feels like a dream! I love his family and they love me. Like that doesn't always happen like that! I have been so blessed! The only way that life could possibly get better is if I got a phone call this instant from my parents saying that my mom's cancer has miraculously gone away. She has been through so much! She just finished chemo a year ago and not a year later is diagnosed with more ovarian cancer that they said is even more aggressive. It is really hard sometimes, but I am learning how much we need to lean on God and trust in Him for what ever happens. God has definately put me around very sweet people, though! People who are encouraging and who are just there when I need them! So, even through this trial I can still smile and know that my Lord and Savior is in control and won't give me andymore than I can handle! And he is the only one who can give me the strenth to get through! Ok, well, I guess thats it for my daily ramblings! Until next time......
Interesting thought....
Well, this morning I went to check my email and a friend of mine (Matt) from school sends out daily quotemail. Today the message of the email kinda struck me. It said, "Where you are right now—today, is what God has for you right now and today. Walk worthy to that call, and dig in to the Word to find out what exactly the walk is supposed to look like! Seek to imitate Christ! Will your walk be perfect? No. You are not God, but strive to walk worthy through God-given grace that we all need today, and everyday." Sometimes I struggle with where I am today. Sometimes I just want to be back at school with my boyfriend and all my friends. This challenged me to stay the course that I am on and to strive to be Christ-like. Thanks Matt for this challenge today!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
First daze!
Wow! Here I am gettin kinda techy! Ok, so I got this genous idea from my sweet, loving boyfriends awesome cousin Chris! (The sweet and loving part describing my boyfriend!) So, I have been checkin out Chris's blog and seeing as I have alot more time on my hands now decided to join the world of blogs! Yay! This could be kinda fun!
Well, today was definately interesting! Woke up thinkin it was gonna be a bore, checked my email, and then checked the phone messages.....well, there was a message on there sayin a group from my University was gonna be at my old High school. So, since I am sitting out this semester because of a family situation decided to go and see if I knew who was in town! Turns out I totally did! So, I ditched the mornin workout and hung out with some cool people! It was fun! Then, I stopped at a gas station, and seein as my 21st birthday is this weekend I treated myself to a pint of Ben and Jerry's! Yum! So, life is pretty good! I am on my way to heaven, have a great boyfriend who loves me oh so dearly, and a super terrific family and totally awesome friends! Plus, I just got the coolest job! So, like I love interior design.....well, seeing as it is what I am studying in school and can't be at school right now, I got a job in the field! It is so cool! Well, thats about all for now..........wow.....I have a blog! Didn't think this would ever happen! Cool!
Well, today was definately interesting! Woke up thinkin it was gonna be a bore, checked my email, and then checked the phone messages.....well, there was a message on there sayin a group from my University was gonna be at my old High school. So, since I am sitting out this semester because of a family situation decided to go and see if I knew who was in town! Turns out I totally did! So, I ditched the mornin workout and hung out with some cool people! It was fun! Then, I stopped at a gas station, and seein as my 21st birthday is this weekend I treated myself to a pint of Ben and Jerry's! Yum! So, life is pretty good! I am on my way to heaven, have a great boyfriend who loves me oh so dearly, and a super terrific family and totally awesome friends! Plus, I just got the coolest job! So, like I love interior design.....well, seeing as it is what I am studying in school and can't be at school right now, I got a job in the field! It is so cool! Well, thats about all for now..........wow.....I have a blog! Didn't think this would ever happen! Cool!
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