This is a picture taken two years ago of my boyfriend, Drew. He has been the biggest encouragement to me over the years and has loved me almost unconditionally. I will never stop thanking my Lord for bringing such an incredible man into my life! He has shared his Biblical knowledge with me many many times when I didn't quite understand something and I look up to him in so many ways! (he is also 6'4", so I really do look up to him!) He is my Sweetheart and the love of my life!
He loves to make me laugh! When we fisrt met and asked each other what some of our favorite things to do are we both mentioned laughing! I would have to say over the last 2 years that we have shared many many laughs! And many smiles! I feel that my life is complete with Drew in it. It is such an amazing feeling just to know that even though me and him are far away for this semester he is still praying for me and thinking about me. He is my best friend! I love you, Drew!
Drew was "special" when he was in 5K - he was the best reader I ever taught, and made a pretty cute "Wally Whale", too
Yep, Drew is great, and you guys are so cute together! I'm glad I found your blog, Jess... didn't realize you had one. I haven't seen you in forever. Drop by my blog sometime if you get a chance... I don't update terribly often, but I have a few pictures on there! :-)
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